Learn about possible emergency events in the Pikes Peak Region and how to plan, prepare and respond when an emergency happens.
What you will find in this guide
- Important phone numbers
- Emergency communications
- Reporting emergencies
- Individual, Family, Workplace Emergency preparedness
- Types of emergencies
- Public health hazards
- Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives (CBRNE)
- Personal safety and awareness
- Living with wildlife
- First Aid
- Planning resources and Checklists
Download the Preparedness Guide
Pikes Peak Regional Preparedness and Safety Guide
Guía de preparación y seguridad en casos de emergencia
Hard copies may be requested by contacting PPROEM.
Additional Resources to Prepare for Local Hazards
Wildfire and Evacuation
- Preparing for Wildfire Guide
- Current fire restrictions and additional resources:
- Colorado Springs Fire Department - coswildfireready.org and coloradosprings.gov/fire
- El Paso County Sheriff's Office - epcsheriffsoffice.com/services/fire-information
Severe Weather Preparedness
Vacation rental owners - help prepare your guests!
Provide this short vaccation rental preparedness guide to your guests to help keep visitors safe. Feel free to make copies.