Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD)

Colorado South Central Region Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (CO SCR VOAD) is organized in support of Pikes Peak Regional OEM and other emergency management agencies in neighboring counties. It is the Colorado South Central Region chapter of National Voluntary Agencies Active in Disasters (NVOAD). It consists of organizations active in disaster response throughout five counties in Colorado: El Paso, Teller, Chaffee, Park, and Lake County. The role of CO SCR VOAD is to bring organizations together, enable them to understand each other and work together in a cohesive manner when disaster strikes. SCR VOAD itself is not a provider of disaster and recovery services. CO SCR VOAD has meetings with our member organizations four times each year to share information and training opportunities. These meetings also provide the opportunity to conduct business, plan, network, and provide updates on current disaster relief efforts.
If you would like for your organization or non-profit group to become a member of CO SCR VOAD, please submit a free membership application.

Who should be a CO SCR VOAD member?
- Voluntary organizations and faith-based groups engaged in disaster response
- Government emergency management at all levels
- Private sector partners that want to assist communities affected by disasters
- Other organizations and community groups with a mission in emergency response

Free membership provides opportunities to:
- Meet and network with key personnel from agencies engaged in disaster response
- Participate in regional planning efforts, exercises, and training
- Coordinate efforts before a disaster hits
- Convene when there is a disaster response
- Address issues and concerns

Quarterly meetings
COSCR VOAD meets the second Thursday of March, June, September, and December at 10 a.m. to hear speakers relevant to our mission and allow member organizations to build relationships. Meetings are in person at 3755 Mark Dabling Blvd. Colorado Springs, and hybrid online. Write to COSCRVOAD@gmail.com for meeting information or a link to join online.
Contact us
VOAD Board Members
Bragan Washburn, Team Rubicon: Chair scrvoad@outlook.com
Ange-Elie Jean, Pikes Peak United Way 211: Vice-Chair
Jeanie Renbarger, Team Rubicon: Secretary
Scott Rand, Medical Reserve Corps: Member at Large
Eric Wilkerson, Salvation Army: Member at Large